Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to regular writing!

Probably the most important thing I've learned lately is that small, incremental change can add up to a big deal very quickly.

Like many people I have tons of projects on the go, I love having my fingers in many different pies, but many of these projects never get done because the amount of work they require seems insurmountable. Starting is always fun but that new project glow wears off and then you need something to sustain you.

One of these projects is doing something with all the cards and personal mail that tends to build up in our house. I love getting cards and letters but while I always plan to put them in a book or scrapbook, it always seems like too much effort looking at the box of mail I have waiting for me. I have started to overcome that by taking one card and gluing it into to book. Just one a day. At this rate it will take me a couple of months to get it all organized but my previous method of ignoring it was getting me nowhere.

Today's piece of knowledge: Small incremental changes!

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