Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Personal Finance

Right now the theme of my personal quest for all knowledge is focused on personal finances. As of January 2012 100% of my income is coming from self employement sources which what prompted this current binge of book reading.

Many of the personal finance books out there offer the same advice over and over again so it's starting to get a little repetitive. Over the next little while I'm going to be posting the best advice I come across as it pertains to the self-employed artist.

Piece #1 - Know where your money is going! As self-employed artists you likely have many different streams of income coming in on an irregular schedule. With money coming in at strange times it can be easy for money to go out in the same way. Track your spending and don't spend more than you earn. Getting into large amounts of debt is especially dangerous for the self employed since we don't know where the next paycheque is coming from or how much it will be.

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